Sunday, February 4, 2007

Dear Daniel

These are the memories of you that will always stay with me..

We met, planning the first year show during the first week of being at RCN. You, Liv, Anna, Manuel, Marie and I preparing "I hope you had the time of your life". I really hope you did, Daniel, I really hope you did...I had the time of my life in Norway, and you were part of it, and I can't come to terms with the fact that you aren't anymore. Two weeks ago we were happily chatting on msn. I even remember how the conversation ended, you said "I'll send you a long email boss", and I said "I'll be waiting for it", and it never came. Funnily enough I thought about you the day before yesterday, just randomly as I was walking to class, and I thought where is that email? And then I found out, and now I know that it will never come...
You were the best deputy in the world, and I have no idea how I would have made it through those stressful board meetings without you. You were a great support, and your ideas were amazing... we made a great team! And I admit, I loved being called "boss", and how you always smiled when you said it, and straightened your back, and bowed a little.
Oh, and those times you and me and Akin complained about economics, and how hard it was. But we made it through, didn't we? I'll always remember the economics party, and you and Akin coming in, you as Kip, and him as Xiaohang. It still makes me laugh. And the slide show you guys made for her which teared me up so badly...

And that last day, and another sad song. It started quietly with just you and your guitar, and then you looked at me, and nodded as if saying 'it's time' and quietly I sang

"And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now "

and then Sara came in on the piano, and Pablo on the base, and Anna on the drums and it became so powerful, so dramatic, and Karina sang

"And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight"

I guess sooner or later it really is over, isn't it? And if there is a heaven I hope you are there...

I can't believe you're gone. My thoughts are with you..

Rest in Peace.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I read your post, I can hear you singing and seeing you on stage...

We must be strong, Daina, because Daniel stared at the face of death (and other lesser difficulties) always with that little smile of his. He would not make a big deal out of his condition.

I remember, one day, he simply said that he had to go out to the bathroom during class to do a little injection. It was so matter-of-factly. I could never guess how serious it might have been, nor would I ever know how bad he was feeling. But he left the class, and came back into the class.

I know a few people with diabetes (including my brother, who almost died from it once), and they all cope with this disease with similar courage. I now admire them that much more.
