Tuesday, February 6, 2007

You are alive in my memory

I cannot believe you are gone. Until now I can’t really imagine that. I wish if it was only a nightmare that would disappear. This devastating news broke my heart, I can’t hold tears inside me for long, and I don’t want to accept this fact because you are still here, alive among us in our hearts, thoughts and memories.
I will never forget your generous hospitality you offered me, and the fun time we had when I visited you in the summer. I will never forget the stressful and the fun time we had in managing the sound system in the auditorium, it was quite a job, but with your determination and sense of humor we managed to over come this job and successfully accomplish our mission (most of the time).
Thanks for the amazing 2 years that you shared with me in our little flekke, thanks for every moment of joy, laughter and hard. I have been inspired by your motivation and your positive spirit, and that means a lot to me.

I would like to express my deepest sympathy and condolences to your family and beloved ones and all your friends.

I am going to miss a lot
Rest in peace

Sami 04-06

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