Tuesday, February 6, 2007

To Daniel

While I am sitting here trying to understand what happened I start remembering...the end of our first year, the point when I was allowed to get to know a wonderful person! I remember how it started of with a random visit to your room and it ended in long nights with beautiful movies, baking chocolate cakes and celebrating the last couple of days of our first year. I can still see you waving at me with Akin on your shoulders while going down the stairs to Iceland house and I wasn't worried because I knew that within a couple of hours I would see you again. Either you'd come around to make some weird faces in front of my window or I would sit on my window sill looking and listening to you playing the guitar in the corridor of your house just across the street. Of course I would shout across that now I understood why Akin threw you out of the room as soon as you started playing but only because I knew you understood what I actually wanted to say.

My thoughts just start jumping around, from the bathroom celebrations we had with cheese and crackers, to long nights we just chatted away or tried to figure out what we just did to my phone until we realized that we were filming ourselves... and they get stuck with a particular scene... You coming into my room to bring me apple soup and chocolate because I was ill and you were convinced those were the only things I needed to get better...I wish I could give you this apple soup and chocolate right now knowing that these are the only things you need to get better, to come back...

You remember the night we were out watching the Northern lights behind the boat house? That night I asked you what happened? What happened to us, to our friendship...I never got an answer and now I have to live with the fact that I never will. Please forgive me for being too proud, for thinking we had enough time! I am trying to be thankful for the time I was allowed to know you and to be part of your life and I hope it becomes easier with time!

You once wrote in my yearbook "think of me every day" - And I promise you now that I will and I know that the tears accompanying these thoughts will eventually turn into a smile when only the beautiful memories remain!

Goodbye Daniel!
Thank you for everything, I'll never forget...

with love,
Nora (RCNUWC 04-06)

You are alive in my memory

I cannot believe you are gone. Until now I can’t really imagine that. I wish if it was only a nightmare that would disappear. This devastating news broke my heart, I can’t hold tears inside me for long, and I don’t want to accept this fact because you are still here, alive among us in our hearts, thoughts and memories.
I will never forget your generous hospitality you offered me, and the fun time we had when I visited you in the summer. I will never forget the stressful and the fun time we had in managing the sound system in the auditorium, it was quite a job, but with your determination and sense of humor we managed to over come this job and successfully accomplish our mission (most of the time).
Thanks for the amazing 2 years that you shared with me in our little flekke, thanks for every moment of joy, laughter and hard. I have been inspired by your motivation and your positive spirit, and that means a lot to me.

I would like to express my deepest sympathy and condolences to your family and beloved ones and all your friends.

I am going to miss a lot
Rest in peace

Sami 04-06


What can be said my friend? No words will ever explain how I felt this past night when I heard the devastating news. Daniel has passed away; he died in his sleep.

So early you have left this world making it a sadder place. Yesterday was the gloomiest day I have ever experienced, disconsolation took over me. Today, in the other hand, I celebrate! Celebrate your days among us. Let’s curse the reasons that took you away as we praise those responsible of your existence. Caminaste la vida con la frente en alto, reconociste, tal vez, un mejor lugar de donde pudieras cuidarnos acaso? Desde lo alto you will shine! Your life was the best poem you have ever written! And you know how it is, the best poems might be short but full of life. Your poem i´ll never forget because you wrote authentic poetry.

I will always treasure your friendship and the moments we have shared. That last week before I went to Belgrade, when you and your parents so hospitably hosted me at your place… THANK YOU. Thank you for the sailing days –even though you almost drowned me- and the motorbike ride. “Easy rider” you were, do you remember? So vividly I also picture the time we sat in the small boat you borrowed from work in the middle of the archipelago and waited for the Gotland´s ferry lights to shine on us. 

Irreplaceable you are, as each and every second left and gone. Not even the amounts of tears i´ve shed will match the smiles you drew in this world’s face.

My friend, my hat wearing Swedish friend, I am aching inside! It really hurts to say goodbye and for that reason:



The annoying latino,


I never told you this, but I always went to you when everyone else was either out of or uwilling to give up cigs. You never turned me down even once. Well, maybe once or twice, but I think you were down to your last pack of Davidoffs, so I mean...

I just feel inconsolable about one thing. Strange thing, this life eh? It looks like I won't be able to pay you back any of those cigs.

Daniel, it has been and still is an honour to know you, as a friend, as a fellow smoker. I am sure this is true not only for me but also for several, several of those (even the non-smokers) who came together at the place known as Flekke.

Thanks for all the cigs,


Dear Daniel

It was November, dark and rainy as it is in Flekke, when you, me and Nareg got the idea of starting "John's Burger". This was also the time where I really got to know you. You somehow managed to make that autumn time into memories of fun and excitement. I remember how much we laughed, when we through our crazy imagination came up with names like "Long John" and "John's Sticks". And when creating that logo. Yes, your humour still makes me laugh. I remember the night when we planned and designed the webpage, a result to be proud of. I remember going to Dale and almost emptying the supermarkets for cokes and hamburgers. I remember the busy and stressfull times in the Høegh kitchen, where you always managed to maintain coolness.
My first impressions of you seemed to prove correct. You were always very tolerant, open, creative, cool, a person of honour. A co-worker. A friend. Your memory will stay with us.

Andreas Bakkerud