Wednesday, February 7, 2007


There are several memories still vivid in my mind. Remember when we were planning to visit Emmi? I was really looking forward to that. Spending time with the two of you. But we never went... I guess we couldn't afford it, or something like that.
You were a great guy to have around. Working on the show together. It was reassuring that you would be in front of us, managing the controls for the sound, never a mistake.
The bussrides to all the many places we travelled with the show. There was a particular one, where we sat next to each other, and I really felt like you were the kind of friend any person would wish for.
We had so many plans of spending more time together, and if I regretted when we left that place that we hadn't, then now I feel as if I made a very big mistake by never showing up with my pipe, never just dropping by. I'm sorry Daniel.
We were the only two people of our year who did not take English... that also meant something. Meant we were the only non-stressed people the day before the english exams, the only people who had time to do anything at all that day in fact.

I hope you rest in peace, and that your family will soon recover this great loss. I hope that if there is an afterworld, a place we go when we die, you sit by the throne itself, jamming your guitar, smiling, as you always did.

With love, and grief in my heart,

Birita / Bunny

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